Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

I am presently studying Business Computing Solutions with Technical Support which involves learning about computer components as well as hardware and software’s. I am also learning how to solve issues which users may come across professionally by troubleshooting and testing. Technical support in IT is evolving a lot over the years as virtualisation is now taking over the IT industry. In this report, I will be discussing different employment trends and how this will be a factor once when I graduate and look for a career in Technical support. Many organisations require Technical Support staff since help desks have a key role in the organisations computing structure, therefore they will require employees who specialize in the Technical Support field to support the IT Help Desk systems. Some of the organisations that would require Technical Support staff vary from schools, hospitals, universities, government, banks and much more. Employment Trends in Technical Support (Local and National) I.T Technical Support is increasingly growing and evolving over the last few years. As new technologies are becoming popular, IT Technical Support is in high demand due to the benefits that arise in organisations. Many organisations have claimed â€Å"Professional, reliable, effective and efficient Technical Support Services are the foundation of a well-running computer or network system and lead to increased productivity, reduced costs and improved profitability.† (Essential IT Service, Inc. 2014) This aids an organisation to be more successful as it saves them time and money. IT support organisations and help desks are experiencing big differences today in the sense that technologies are being developed and consumed. Cloud based solutions are emerging... ...dge is known as a CPD (continuous personal/professional development). It is a combination of ideas and techniques that will allow individuals to manage their own learning and how they could achieve their targets. ‘CPD isn't a fixed process, although we do lay down certain basic processes. Fundamentally, it's a question of setting yourself objectives for development and then charting your progress towards achieving them. It's about where you want to be and how you plan to get there.’(CIPD, 2014) As well as this, there is a professional non-profit organisation that is committed to ensure individuals, professionals and all businesses keep a CPD for their future development. This organisation is called CIPD. ‘The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people.’ (CIPD, 2014)

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