Monday, December 16, 2019

Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution Free Essays

Vehicles on the roads contribute to air pollution in major way. Most of the vehicle plying on road are fuelled by petrol and diesel emitting pollutants like Ozone gas, Nitrogen Oxides (NO), particulate matter, soot smog, carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) etc These emissions not only pollute the environment, but also pose variety of health risks for people. Pollution is the main reason behind skin cancers, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders. We will write a custom essay sample on Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even newborn children can get affected.Following steps can be taken by the state and even individuals to save the environment. Adopt energy efficient engines All vehicles must have 3 way catalysts and fuel controls so that they emit out less smog. They should be made mandatory by law as has been done by the state of California. Build an efficient public transport system More cars on roads mean more smog, increased pollution. Hence the need of the hour is to come up with a public transport system, which can reduce number of vehicles thereby reducing congestion, and also caters to the increasing population.Use of alternate fuels Vehicles must be installed with engines that are fuelled by hydrogen, ethanol, methanol and natural gas. They are known as cleaner fuels because they release less CO 2 into the air. They are economical as they can be obtained from natural resources. Introduction of battery operated or electric vehicles They run on the chemical energy stored in the battery, which is rechargeable. Lithium batteries can be used for such vehicles. The emission is zero and is powered by motor controllers.Individuals can make following meaningful contributions in reducing vehicular pollution. †¢ People can resort to riding bicycles for shorter distances. Cycles are absolutely safe for the environment and good for our bodies too. Cycling is good form of exercise also. †¢ Even walking should be encouraged for viable distances. †¢ Office goers can engage in car pools. †¢ Engines can be switched off at signals and at possible places where you need to wait for more than few minutes. It also conserves petrol/diesel. How to cite Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution, Papers

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