Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Actions that Led Up to the American Civil War Essay

The American Civil War The Civil War is dubbed the war between the states. There were many actions that led up to the civil war, to include the fugitive slave Act, the publishing of Uncle Toms Cabin, the Kansas-Nebraska act, the Dred Scott Decision, and the Secession Crisis. Secondly who were the presidents during the war, and what they bring to the table. What led to the Civil War? There were many events that led to the Civil War, one is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The fugitive Slave Act was a compromise, initially a law established in 1793, encouraging people to hand over runaway slaves, but was amended in part with the Compromise of 1850, which forced citizens to report runaway slaves. Consequently the lack of†¦show more content†¦Other states like New England also migrated to allow their people to vote anti-slavery. A vote for the legislator was inconclusive due to an enormous variation of caste votes compared to eligible voters. Kansas then split into two governments. A rationalist, John Brown, and a few followers, including his four sons, attacked a settlement on the Pottawatomie Creek in the middle of the night, they murdered five men. This attack led to both parties into a full on attack. Over 200 people were murdered, deeming the name Bleeding Kansas. Dred Scott was the body servant of Dr. John Emerson, from Missouri who joined the army and was stationed in Illinois then transferred to Wisconsin. While in Wisconsin Dred Scott married Harriet, later Dr. Emerson, Dred Scott, and Harriet moved back to Missouri. This caused a great fury by the Missourians, after DR. Emerson passed Scott attempted to sue for his freedom, they married in Wisconsin which was free under the Missouri Compromise, and claimed Illinois as their residency, which was also a free state under the Northwest Ordinance. the decision for slavery to be outlawed couldnt be reached in agreement so the trial went to the Supreme courts. The matter resulted in the Dred Scott Decission declared African A mericans were not citizens so they couldnt sue in federal court. His motion was denied resulting in the Missouri being unconstitutional for the second time over the Missouri Compromise. John Brown, anShow MoreRelatedWas John Brown a ‘misguided fanatic’? Essay example707 Words   |  3 Pagesstanding up for the rights. However, was seen outrageous in the eyes of many Southerners. He has went far beyond outrageous and carried out a killing spree in order to prove slavery was wrong. He had a plan, however stirred in a lot of problems along with it gained him the name a â€Å"misguided fanatic†. â€Å"John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859) was a radical abolitionist from the United States, who advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a means to abolish slavery for good. 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