Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Actions that Led Up to the American Civil War Essay

The American Civil War The Civil War is dubbed the war between the states. There were many actions that led up to the civil war, to include the fugitive slave Act, the publishing of Uncle Toms Cabin, the Kansas-Nebraska act, the Dred Scott Decision, and the Secession Crisis. Secondly who were the presidents during the war, and what they bring to the table. What led to the Civil War? There were many events that led to the Civil War, one is the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850. The fugitive Slave Act was a compromise, initially a law established in 1793, encouraging people to hand over runaway slaves, but was amended in part with the Compromise of 1850, which forced citizens to report runaway slaves. Consequently the lack of†¦show more content†¦Other states like New England also migrated to allow their people to vote anti-slavery. A vote for the legislator was inconclusive due to an enormous variation of caste votes compared to eligible voters. Kansas then split into two governments. A rationalist, John Brown, and a few followers, including his four sons, attacked a settlement on the Pottawatomie Creek in the middle of the night, they murdered five men. This attack led to both parties into a full on attack. Over 200 people were murdered, deeming the name Bleeding Kansas. Dred Scott was the body servant of Dr. John Emerson, from Missouri who joined the army and was stationed in Illinois then transferred to Wisconsin. While in Wisconsin Dred Scott married Harriet, later Dr. Emerson, Dred Scott, and Harriet moved back to Missouri. This caused a great fury by the Missourians, after DR. Emerson passed Scott attempted to sue for his freedom, they married in Wisconsin which was free under the Missouri Compromise, and claimed Illinois as their residency, which was also a free state under the Northwest Ordinance. the decision for slavery to be outlawed couldnt be reached in agreement so the trial went to the Supreme courts. The matter resulted in the Dred Scott Decission declared African A mericans were not citizens so they couldnt sue in federal court. His motion was denied resulting in the Missouri being unconstitutional for the second time over the Missouri Compromise. John Brown, anShow MoreRelatedWas John Brown a ‘misguided fanatic’? Essay example707 Words   |  3 Pagesstanding up for the rights. However, was seen outrageous in the eyes of many Southerners. He has went far beyond outrageous and carried out a killing spree in order to prove slavery was wrong. He had a plan, however stirred in a lot of problems along with it gained him the name a â€Å"misguided fanatic†. â€Å"John Brown (May 9, 1800 – December 2, 1859) was a radical abolitionist from the United States, who advocated and practiced armed insurrection as a means to abolish slavery for good. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution Free Essays

Vehicles on the roads contribute to air pollution in major way. Most of the vehicle plying on road are fuelled by petrol and diesel emitting pollutants like Ozone gas, Nitrogen Oxides (NO), particulate matter, soot smog, carbon monoxide (CO), sulphur dioxide (SO2) etc These emissions not only pollute the environment, but also pose variety of health risks for people. Pollution is the main reason behind skin cancers, asthma, bronchitis, and other respiratory disorders. We will write a custom essay sample on Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution or any similar topic only for you Order Now Even newborn children can get affected.Following steps can be taken by the state and even individuals to save the environment. Adopt energy efficient engines All vehicles must have 3 way catalysts and fuel controls so that they emit out less smog. They should be made mandatory by law as has been done by the state of California. Build an efficient public transport system More cars on roads mean more smog, increased pollution. Hence the need of the hour is to come up with a public transport system, which can reduce number of vehicles thereby reducing congestion, and also caters to the increasing population.Use of alternate fuels Vehicles must be installed with engines that are fuelled by hydrogen, ethanol, methanol and natural gas. They are known as cleaner fuels because they release less CO 2 into the air. They are economical as they can be obtained from natural resources. Introduction of battery operated or electric vehicles They run on the chemical energy stored in the battery, which is rechargeable. Lithium batteries can be used for such vehicles. The emission is zero and is powered by motor controllers.Individuals can make following meaningful contributions in reducing vehicular pollution. †¢ People can resort to riding bicycles for shorter distances. Cycles are absolutely safe for the environment and good for our bodies too. Cycling is good form of exercise also. †¢ Even walking should be encouraged for viable distances. †¢ Office goers can engage in car pools. †¢ Engines can be switched off at signals and at possible places where you need to wait for more than few minutes. It also conserves petrol/diesel. How to cite Save the Earth Ailing from the Vehicular Pollution, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Volumetric Analysis of Vitamin C by Titration free essay sample

The objective of this experiment is to use a redox reaction titration to accurately determine the amount of vitamin C in a sample of lemon juice, orange juice, or grapefruit juice. Chemistry of Vitamin C The chemical name for vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid. Its molecular formula is C6H8O6; its molar mass is 176. 12 g/mole. Ascorbic acid is found throughout the plant and animal kingdoms, occurring in citrus fruits, hip berries (such as rose hips), fresh tea leaves, tomatoes, broccoli, other fruits and vegetables, paprika, and the adrenal cortex of oxen. It can be obtained from any of these sources but was originally isolated from and identified in oxen. It was the first vitamin to be prepared in pure form. Ascorbic acid is a white solid that has a sharp, sour taste and dissolves in water. The pure compound is stable to air oxidation when dry, but when impure (as it is in many natural forms) it is readily oxidized when exposed to air and light. Vitamin C is a fairly strong reducing agent and decolorizes many dyes. Its aqueous solutions are rapidly oxidized by air; this reaction is accelerated in basic solution and in the presence of iron and copper ions. The vitamin-C content of juices can decrease rapidly with time once the juice is exposed to air. (Much of the information reported here about vitamin C was obtained from the Merck Index, Susan Budavari, Ed. , Merck and Co. , Inc. , Rahway, NJ, 1989, which is a good source for physical, chemical, and physiological properties of chemicals, drugs, and biological agents. ) Vitamin C is essential to humans. It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which constitutes about one-third of the total protein in the human body. A deficiency of vitamin C results in a disease called scurvy, which is characterized by weakness, swollen joints, bleeding gums and loose teeth, and delayed healing of wounds. Scurvy was common in sailors, who had no fresh fruits or vegetables for long periods. In 1735 James Lind found that scurvy could be avoided if sailors were provided citrus fruit. To this day British sailors are called â€Å"limeys† because they were provided limes to prevent scurvy. A quantity of 60 mg vitamin C per day is enough to prevent the disease, and this is the recommended daily dietary allowance (RDA). Vitamin C is also involved in iron metabolism, and many believe that very large doses are effective in preventing or curing the common cold. In 1970 Linus Pauling, a two-time Nobel Prize winner, published â€Å"Vitamin C and the Common Cold†, which stated that doses of 1-2 g per day (18 times the RDA) would prevent colds, and 4010 g/day would cure an existing cold. However, some recent studies do not support this hypothesis. At large doses vitamin C causes problems such as diarrhea and the induction of kidney stones. Titration Reactions Titrations can be completed on both Acid-base reaction and oxidation-reduction reaction systems. Both types of reactions occur rapidly in aqueous solution, the balanced equations for such reactions can be determined, and there exist techniques (such as changes in color of indicators or the color of the reactants themselves) for determining when the reactants have been mixed in stoichiometric ratios. Since vitamin C is a weak acid and also a good reducing agent, either type of reaction might be used. This experiment makes use of an oxidation-reduction reaction in which elemental iodine oxidizes ascorbic acid. Iodine is chosen because it is a weak oxidizing agent so it will not oxidize substances other than the ascorbic acid in the sample of fruit juice. As a strong reducing agent, ascorbic acid will reduce I2 to I- very easily. We will use this reaction in conjunction with a starch indicator to determine the number of moles of Vitamin C present. A number of reactions occur during a single titration. The solution to be titrated will consist of KI, acetic acid, starch solution, and ascorbic acid. In this reaction, the ascorbic acid molecule gains oxygen (in the form of OH groups). Each iodine atom in the I2 molecule accepts an electron and becomes a negatively charge iodide ion. Thus the ascorbic acid molecule is oxidized and the iodine molecule is reduced. Without showing the molecular structure, this equation could be written as: C6H8O6 + I2 + 2H2O ? C6H10O8 + 2I + 2H+(1) From this equation it is apparent that one mole of iodine is required to react with one mole of ascorbic acid. In other words, the appropriate stoichiometric ratio is: (2) Titrating to measure the amount of ascorbic acid in a sample of fruit juice can be done by adding a solution of iodine from a buret to the sample containing ascorbic acid in a flask. As the iodine-containing solution is added, the iodine will react with ascorbic acid in the sample according to equation 1 shown above. As long as there is ascorbic acid present iodine will react with it. This reaction will continue until all of the ascorbic acid has been used up, that is, until a mole of iodine has been added for every mole of ascorbic acid that was in the sample to begin with. This is the equivalence point. As soon as more than an equivalent amount of iodine has been added, the extra iodine cannot be consumed by the ascorbic acid. Therefore, some iodine will remain unreacted in the flask. One way to detect the equivalence point in this titration is to devise a method by which you can detect iodine in the beaker. (See reaction B in the following reaction scheme. ) Excess iodine (I ¬2) reacts with iodide ions (I-) to make a triiodide ion (I3-) which forms a very intense blue color when it comes into contact with starch. This color is due to incorporation of the ions within the molecular structure of the starch; we refer to this as formation of a starch-iodine complex. (Even after the starch-iodine complex has formed, I2 molecules are still there; if something reacts with iodine, the blue color will disappear as the iodine is used up. ) To detect the end point you will add starch to the solution in the flask at the beginning of the titration. As iodine is added from the buret the iodine will react with ascorbic acid and the blue color will not continue to disappear. When all the ascorbic acid has been used up, the next drop of iodine solution will have nothing to react with but the starch, and the blue color will remain in the solution. The end point of the titration has been achieved when the blue color remains in the solution for at least 30 seconds. (The reason for waiting 30 seconds is that some blue color might form before ascorbic acid has a chance to react with the iodine; if so, it will take a little while for ascorbic acid to react with the iodine that was in the starch-iodine complex. Review of Reaction Scheme: A) As I2 is formed, it will react with ascorbic acid. C6H8O6 + I2 + 2H2O ? C6H10O8 + 2I + 2H+ B) As soon as all of the ascorbic acid is consumed the I2 will react with I- to form I3-I2 + I- I3- C) This will react with the starch indicator to produce the blue-black starch-iodide complex. I3- + starch starch (I3-) complex (blue-black) The sudden appearance of the blue-black color will indicate that all of the ascorbic acid is consumed. Since you know the concentration of the standardized I2 solution (written on the bottle), the volume that you used, and the stoichiometry of the reaction you will be able to calculate the amount of Vitamin C present in your original sample. REMINDER:Tips for titrating can be found in the Titration Appendix! EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE The Starch-Iodine Complex Color To become familiar with the indicator color, use a graduated cylinder to place 30 mL of distilled water, 1 mL of starch solution, and 1 mL of 6 M acetic acid into a 150 mL beaker. Add solid potassium iodide (KI) to the beaker, a few crystals are sufficient. Then add drops of iodine solution until you notice a color change; observe the color. The color of the solution can be attributed to the starch-iodine complex. Now add a drop of juice and observe the color. Add four more drops, one at a time, observing the color for about ten seconds after each addition. What can you conclude about the reaction of the vitamin C in juice with iodine in the starch-iodine complex? Save this solution since it will help you to determine the color of the solution at the endpoint of your titration. The color of the juice used in your analysis may affect the color observed at the end point of a titration. In other words, the color of the end point may be slightly different than the color of the starch-iodine complex observed above. Therefore, it is helpful to carry out a rough titration on your juice to determine the true color change that will occur at the end point and then compare each trial to this rough titration result. Determining the Concentration of Vitamin C in Juice Samples of lemon juice, orange juice, and grapefruit juice will be available in the laboratory. Your objective is to determine the concentration of vitamin C in one of these juices. Be sure to record the type of juice you work with and the exact designation of amount of Vitamin C on the label of the bottle from which you take your juice. REMINDER! Be sure to record observations in your laboratory notebook. Remember to record your initial and final volumes from the buret in your laboratory notebook. Using the burets properly dispence 2. 0 mL of one of the juices into a clean, dry 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask. Be sure to record the proper number of significant figures for the buret readings. Use a graduated cylinder to add about 30 mL of distilled water to the flask. Add 1 mL of starch indicator solution, 1 mL of 6 M acetic acid, and 1. 0 g of KI crystals to the flask. [The amounts of starch and acetic acid added do not need to be exactly 1 mL; you can approximate the amounts BUT all values need to be recorded in the laboratory notebook. ] Make up all three of your juice samples at this time. Be sure to label the flasks correctly so that you know the exact concentration of juice in each flask. You can use the untitrated flasks as a reference point during the titration. Titrate the juice sample with the standardized iodine solution provided in the laboratory. Record the initial and final buret readings and calculate the volume of iodine solution that was used in the titration. Do another titration with a second 2. 0 mL sample of juice. For each titration calculate the number of moles of ascorbic acid in 1 mL of juice. If the calculated numbers have an error of more than 2%, prepare a third sample and titrate it. % Error = moles/mL (trial 1) moles/mL (trial 2)moles/mL (average) x 100%

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Muhammad and Good Health Essay Sample free essay sample

I have several sorts of books in my book shelve. Some are old some are new. Some are really colourful and some include apparent text. Some are little and some large. But all of them are every bit of import for me. I care for them and they care for me. I do non allow dust settle on them and I keep reading them over and over once more. I am neer bored of a book. So are books to me. Books are ever ready to intrigue me. Books are my best friend because they do non hold temper swings. I can ever travel up to them at any clip. They welcome me meekly and take me to some other universe. There are fundamentally two sorts of books that I have. One of them is narrative books and the other type is†¦ school books. My school books assist me in school. We will write a custom essay sample on Muhammad and Good Health Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They help me go through all the tests with good classs. I make certain they are in good status by avoiding unneeded marker on them. When I get good classs my parents purchase me more narrative books to read. My best friend is my hoarded wealth for life. They have helped me turn as a better human being. In the terminal I would wish to state: There is no friend every bit loyal as a book. My favorite personality:THE PERSONALITY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD ( S. A. W. W ) The Personality Of The Prophet MuhammadThe Prophet Muhammad was known for good character throughout his life. He was known as: â€Å"The Honest† long earlier he received the message of Islam. He was fine-looking. of medium tallness. really active. walked quickly which forced his comrades to race to maintain up with him. Peoples reported seeing visible radiation around his organic structure and in his face. which they compared to the Sun or the full Moon. His tegument was white and turned rose-colored from exposure to the Sun. He had black eyes and a thick face fungus. Peoples he touched. reported feeling healed. safe and secure. He was low and did non let his comrades to stand up when he met them or snog his manus. He sat with his comrades where he happened to be. A alien walking into the room could non state who the Prophet was by his place in the group. He joked with his comrades. played with their childs and set them in his lap. He loved his grandchildren. played with them. and even carried them on his shoulder while carry oning the ritual supplications. He smiled most of the clip and disliked to state no. When asked a inquiry he didn’t want to reply. he remained soundless. When given a pick. he ever chose the easiest option. He emphasized that Islam is the Aureate Mean and discouraged extremes of behaviour. He accepted all invitations. all apologies. all nowadayss. He returned favours with equal or higher value nowadayss. He visited the sick. was the first to recognize people he met. was the last to draw away when agitating custodies with person or encompassing him. He ever listened to others until they finished what they had to state. In the mosque. he cut the group supplication short if he heard a kid shouting outside to let the child’s female parent to go forth the mosque and take attention of her kid. He stopped his personal supplications if he noticed person nearing to inquire him something so resumed the supplications after the person’s departure†¦ . The Personality Of The Prophet Muhammad The Prophet Muhammad was known for good character throughout his life. He was known as: â€Å"The Honest† long earlier he received the message of Islam. He was fine-looking. of medium tallness. really active. walked quickly which forced his comrades to race to maintain up with him. Peoples reported seeing visible radiation around his organic structure and in his face. which they compared to the Sun or the full Moon. His tegument was white and turned rose-colored from exposure to the Sun. He had black eyes and a thick face fungus. Peoples he touched. reported feeling healed. safe and secure. He was low and did non let his comrades to stand up when he met them or snog his manus. He sat with his comrades where he happened to be. A alien walking into the room could non state who the Prophet was by his place in the group. He joked with his comrades. played with their childs and set them in his lap. He loved his grandchildren. played with them. and even carried themon his shoulder while carry oning the ritual supplications. He smiled most of the clip and disliked to state no. When asked a inquiry he didn’t want to reply. he remained soundless. When given a pick. he ever chose the easiest option. He emphasized that Islam is the Aureate Mean and discouraged extremes of behaviour. He accepted all invitations. all apologies. all nowadayss. He returned favours with equal or higher value nowadayss. He visited the sick. was the first to recognize people he met. was the last to draw away when agitating custodies with person or encompassing him. He ever listened to others until they finished what they had to state. In the mosque. he cut the group supplication short if he heard a kid shouting outside to let the child’s female parent to go forth the mosque and take attention of her kid. He stopped his personal supplications if he noticed person nearing to inquire him something so resumed the supplications after the person’s going. At place. he cleaned and mended his vesture repaired his places. milked his sheep and saddled his camel and Equus caballus. His retainer reported that the Prophet neer insulted. beaten. frowned to. or reprimanded him even when he didn’t complete an assignment. He was sort to animate beings and opened his door to a isolated cat seeking shelter. One of his going comrades one time took 2 babe redbreasts from a nest. When the Prophet saw the female parent rolling her wings over the nest. he responded. â€Å"Who shocked this in her babes? Return her babes to her† . He ordered his followings non to utilize animate beings for mark pattern. He besides ordered those who slaughtered animate beings for nutrient to sharpen their blades and non to butcher an animate being in position of another animate being. He lived a really simple life and donated anything he earned or received beyond his minimal demands to the needy on a day-to-day footing. He placed his religion in God to supply for his hereafter demands. He prayed often which meant his organic structure and vesture were ever clean since Muslims must finish a cleansing ritual before praying. He ate merely when hungry and neer reached his fill. He brushed his dentitions after every repast. He advised his comrades to maintain one tierce of their tummy for nutrient. one tierce for drinks. and one tierce for themselves His married woman. Aisha. was asked about his nature. She said that he was the Qur’an. walking. Muhammad had the most soft nature. He smiled and was sort – even to those who hated him. He was ever honest. In one stating. he was asked about the nature of a truster and said: â€Å"The truster does non lie† . He was so trusty that even his enemies would non give their ownerships to anyone else to guard them. They gave their wealth to him to maintain when they would go. When they returned. they would happen their properties safeguarded with him. It used to be that a adult female would wait. every forenoon. for the prophesier to go through under her window. She would seek – every forenoon – to throw her refuse from the window on him. The prophesier neer told anyone about this. One forenoon. he noticed she was non at that place. He inquired about her and was told that she was sick that twenty-four hours. So he went to see her. When she saw him she said: à ¢â‚¬Å"So. you have come to take your retaliation on me† . He said: â€Å"No. but God has commanded us to see the sick† . There and so she believed. One twenty-four hours. a adult male came from a distance because he had heard that there was a adult male claiming to be a prophesier. When he reached Medina. the metropolis of the Prophet. he asked about Muhammad. The 1 who was asked told him: â€Å"There he is† . As the adult male approached. he saw an old adult female who stopped the prophesier to kick about something. So he waited. some distance off. He watched as the old adult female complained to Muhammad from the terminal of the sundown supplication until the clip of the dark supplication – about an hr and a half. So the adult male realized that this adult male who had so much forbearance and kindness that he would halt everything he was making to assist an aged adult female HAD to be a existent Prophet. He. besides. believed. One flushing a Jew who had given a loan to the Prophet came to Muhammad and demanded his loa n back. He shook the Prophet and was harsh with him. The Prophet said that he did non hold the loan sum yet and that it was still early for the payback. Then he asked the adult male if he would wait a piece and be patient. The adult male refused and said that he would non go forth Muhammad’s side until he was paid back. So the prophesier sat with him – all dark – in the mosque. In the forenoon. when everyone came for the forenoon supplication. they were surprised to see the prophesier sitting with this alien. After the supplication they asked him about this adult male. the Prophet explained the state of affairs as if he were sitting with a invitee. Then the Jew said: â€Å"Oh Messenger of God. I swear by God that I did non come for my money. I merely wanted to see if you fit the description of the concluding Prophet in the Torah – that he is soft and sort even to those who are rough. And I have found the description to be true – in you† . So the adult male entered Islam. Peace and Blessings of God be upon Muhammad Health IS WEALTH Good wellness is a blessing. It is the existent gem of life. the most cherished ownership of adult male. If a adult male losingss his wellness. the universe losingss all it § appeals for him. A good wealth of wellness can be obtained in a figure of ways. It needs regular exercising. good nutrient. good ideas. and cleanliness. A healthy individual does non pass money on medical specialties and sing physicians. Just face-to-face. a sulky individual is another signifier of snake pit of diseases. The simplest and most traditional definition of wellness is that it is the freedom of illness and diseases. Harmonizing to World Health Organisation ( WHO ) . a subdivision of the United Nations. wellness is physical. mental and societal well being and non simply the absence of disease. Following to life itself. good wellness is the most cherished gift and is necessary for a purposeful being. ‘Sound head in a sound body’ is an old expression. Healthy individuals can work for long hours without acquiring tired. They can bask all the pleasances of life. whereas unhealthy individuals can’t. The universe has no appeal for them. They are ever worried due to their physical complications. Wealth has no importance for them. To maintain good wellness no money is needed. It can be achieved merely through our attempts and proper wellness attention. We can keep good wellness merely if we are cognizant of assorted factors which affect our wellness. There are certain things which are indispensable for maintaining our organic structure free from diseases. Alimentary nutrient comes foremost. We should takeVpnly that nutrient which has alimentary value. Some regularity in life is besides of import for good wellness. We should acquire up early in the forenoon. travel out for a walk. breathe in fresh air to maintain our lungs clean and in good order. and take alert walk. travel weaponries while walking. Keeping clean wonts is besides of import in this respect. If we don’t take bath on a regular basis. don’t wear clean apparels. don’t eat fresh nutrient. we may deve lop physical complications in the long tally. Hence regularities. good wonts and cleanliness have great value in keeping good wellness. Balancing slumber and remainder are besides utile in this respect. We know that a great trade of the waste affair in our organic structures escaped by agencies of the tegument. which contains many 1000000s of bantam waste pipes called ‘pores’ . If we neglect maintaining our organic structures clean. these pores get choked up and the waste affair can non get away. Hence we must maintain this of import point in our head and do consequently. Laughter is the best medical specialty of good wellness. So. we should maintain composure by get the better ofing choler. greed. fright. enviousness and hostility. Life of a healthy adult male is his long permanent wealth. It makes him able to bask life to the full. Those who are affluent may non ever be healthy but the healthy people are ever affluent. Importance OF COMPUTER IN OUR LIFE Science is one of the greatest approvals in modern life. Scientific promotion has led to many of import innovations. One of them is the computing machine. About a decennary back. a computing machine was seen as a admiration machine. A few old ages subsequently. this fantastic machine came closer to us as the Personal Computer ( Personal computer ) entered the family scene. The computing machine today plays a important function in our everybody’s life. Computers are used practically everyplace. The usage of computing machine in our state in the past two decennaries has taken a large leap. Today computing machines do much more than merely compute. ace market scanners calculate our food market measure while maintaining store stock list ; computerised telephone exchanging Centres play traffic bull to 1000000s of calls and maintain lines of communications untangled. and Automatic Teller Machines ( ATM ) let us carry on banking minutess from virtually anyplace in the universe. The e xtended usage of computing machines in all Fieldss of concern has improved efficiency of the industry and the economic system of the state. Computers have the capacity to make highly complicated work in all subdivisions of larning. Computers can be efficaciously used in work outing the most hard and complex mathematical jobs. The other usage of computing machines can be in digest of information. Thus there will be a economy of clip in research plant. Computers can supply information to forestall traffic accidents. They can make such plants which make the worker dull to reiterate a procedure hundred times or more. Automation of work through computing machine will salvage the clip and energy of human life. Thus human existences will acquire more leisure than they have today. Computer is the consequence of human head exercisings. It is a machine. It can assist in any physical action. It can be used in come oning a physical work. It can non believe independently. We have to feed it before taking any mental work. We can happen the replies based and limited to feeding stuff. First. we have to feed for a peculiar field to happen some replies related to that field. we can non happen an reply from a vacuity because there is no independent feeling and thought to reply without any base. Computers will neer be able to replace adult male as they need elaborate instructions from adult male and can neer take independent lives. In the Armed Forces computing machines are being widely used for roll uping complex informations for the aircrafts. missile and guns. The radio detection and ranging system is controlled with complex computing machines to give early warnings of coming enemy unit. Computers are besides being widely used in mass communicating and medical scientific discipline. Today the constabulary have started hive awaying informations on offenses and felons on computing machines. Computers now have become a demand of the twenty-four hours. in modern life. They are being used in every field of work. Due to importance of computing machine. its cognition has been thought an indispensable making for a occupation. No uncertainty computing machines are capable of making everything. but it is falling short of believing. This is still merely reserved signifier of adult male. So here computing machines are merely machines ; it can non vie with adult male though they have overcome him in many ways. OR The â€Å"Man of the Year† in 1982 harmonizing to a study carried out by an international magazine was the ‘Computer’ . Computer in Latin means â€Å"to reckon† or ‘to compute’ . Some experts have coined a word for it ‘INFORMATIC’ . the scientific discipline of information processing i. e. methods of entering. use and recovering information. So it is a ciphering device with some particular features and abilities like—perform complex and insistent computations quickly and accurately. do determinations and automatically right or modify by supplying signals. certain parametric quantities of a system under control. converse with users through terminuss etc. As we hurtle towards the twenty-first century. we must accept the inevitableness of a computing machine revolution in the close hereafter. It is an-inseparable portion of development. as demonstrated by other states. Computers are no longer luxury or the exclusive belongings of the advanced states. Their appropriate utilizations in India can assist us work out the alone jobs of a underdeveloped state and convey about the coveted alterations in increasing literacy. optimizing resources. increasing efficiency. productiveness and quality. Already computing machines have become such an of import portion of our lives—in airdromes. Bankss. railroad Stationss and every well-equipped modern office. As computing machine continues to proliferate in of all time increasing Numberss across big sections of Government. concern and industry. the common adult male is get downing to believe hesitatingly that computing machines can really present a good portion of the promise that they had offered. Society is bit by bit accepting the fact that computing machines will so alter the mode in which the things are done. Computers can well salvage valuable man-hours by assisting people through communicating to do reserve of tickets. run their bank histories. to pay for electricity H2O and telephone measures. insurance premium and besides do everyday shopping. Trains can be operated automatically by computing machines and traffic signals be computing machine coordinate to bring forth best traffic forms. addition dependability and safe ty and by and large supply for more efficient services. The basic industry of India is ‘agriculture’ . In countries of agribusiness and irrigation. computing machines are doing possible better matching of dirt features and harvest. This coupled with better usage of resources like H2O. fertilisers and sunshine and more precise anticipation of monsoons can assist India in increasing harvest outputs manifold. Computer in wellness is conveying new hope for the sick. In countries of wellness and medical specialty. adept systems and informations bases on blood groups handiness. oculus Bankss medical history of patients etc. can convey about a pronounced betterment in our wellness services. Adept system can assist in more accurate diagnosing of complaints ‘Hospital Information Systems’ can assist better the efficiency of our infirmaries cut down mortality and death-rates and in general provide better and speedier wellness attention to our people. While this realisation is deriving firmer land in countries like the publi c-service corporation services. railroads. air hoses. agribusiness. wellness etc. . every bit good as organisation control. there is country where the function of computing machines as the premier agents of alteration has still non been recognized. That is the country of instruction. In our state there are over 5. 00. 000 primary schools of which l/3rd are single-teacher schools. 64 % of entire population of our state is illiterate. The figure of nonreaders at nowadays is higher than that at independency. To undertake a job of such mammoth proportions. it is indispensable that a modern AIDSs offered by Information Technology are made usage of to distribute instruction to the rural countries where most of the illiteracy is concentrated. Computer based lessons developed in assorted topics by experts in that country could be used to educate the multitudes. The computing machine is a quickly germinating tool that can now cover rather efficaciously with all all right signifiers of information that adult male trades with for better instruction are —data. text. image. artworks and voice. One idea can take topographic point in our heads for a minute that ‘the computing machine will replace the teacher—that would be a self-destructive idea. But we should to the full accept the world that the computing machine will radically alter the mode in which teaching-learning procedures take topographic point. The function of the instructor will undergo a extremist alteration. From being a mere â€Å"information dumping machine† . the instructor will one time once more rise to the tallness of being a wise man. philosopher and guide developing. transfusing values. thoughts. making challenges and nurturing feelings. sentiments and empathy in immature heads. In the wider prospective. these are what are required for constructing a strong nation—intellectually spiritually and economically. In the most of import country of authorities disposal. to enable disposal take the right determination at the right clip. accurate. relevant and up-to-date information should be made available to them. Modern computerized communicating web can significantly assist bureaucratism cut its ruddy tape. Therefore. computing machines are synonymous with development. With appropriate computing machine use and quality of life applications. India will be able to efficaciously undertake its alone jobs. The full society will undergo a transmutation and what would emerge is a society that is more intellectually cognizant and which values its clip. mind and self-respect. A society armed with computing machine expertness can run into with assurance the exciting new India of tomorrow. Terrorism Specifying the significance of Terrorism is non every bit simple today as this word appears to be. Once it was defined as â€Å"an organized system of bullying or the pattern of utilizing force to obtain political demands† . But in this present universe it has become a complex phenomenon where terrorists are utilizing different tactics of terrorist act and different types of terrorist activities like self-destruction bombardment. mass slayings. burglaries. incendiarism. snatch or highjacking and anguish of the worst order. And there are ever some limited causes behind all such sorts of terrorist act which encompass Religious infliction. Social instabilities. political denials. cultural emotions and economic evictions and wants. Such are certain major grounds of Terrorism in any portion or state of this existence and likewise is in Pakistan.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ordinary Research Paper Essays

Ordinary Research Paper Essays Ordinary Research Paper Essay Ordinary Research Paper Essay It certainly seems unfair that WNBA MVP Lauren Jackson, highest paid WNBA player, can make a maximum of $87,000 per year, while perennial NBA disappointment Shawn Bradley is guaranteed a minimum of $1,100,000. Many people believe it isn’t fair that males playing basketball should receive higher pay than the females playing basketball at the professional level. In the USA, employees completing the same job are supposed to have equal pay because the USA is based on gender equality. NBA players are among the highest paid employees on the planet, while WNBA players are earning an average between $46,000 to $60,000 a year. Even though the WNBA has only recently been established, the NBA receives more attention than the WNBA in several different ways. The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) will hopefully grow in the next few years (Issaquah Par. 1-3). The National Basketball Association created the Women’s National Basketball Association. The idea behind the WNBA began in 1996 when the Olympics were held in the United States. The United States Women’s Basketball Team traveled across America meeting fans. The women’s team won the gold medal in the Olympics held in Atlanta, Georgia. The American people wanted to see these new basketball stars play in there own league in the United States. The NBA decided to start WNBA teams in the cities that already possessed NBA teams. The women would play while the men were on summer vacation (Owens 6). The WNBA began in 1996 and originated with eight teams. One of the first teams in the league was the Los Angeles Sparks. They had Lisa Leslie on their team, who was famous before the Women’s National Basketball Association. She was one of the best United States basketball players. There were players from other countries coming to play in the United States in order to take advantage of the opportunity (Owens 9-13). The other WNBA teams formed to start the season in 1997 were the Phoenix Mercury, Utah Starzz, Sacramento Monarchs, Cleveland Rockers, New York Liberty, Houston Comets, Miami Sol, and the Portland Fire (The Associated Press 1-14). There are now 14 teams total in the WNBA. As of 2008, the teams consisted of the Detroit Shock, Los Angeles Sparks, Chicago Sky, Connecticut Sun, Houston Comets, Indiana Fever, Minnesota Lynx, New York Liberty, Sacramento Monarchs, Phoenix Mercury, San Antonio Silver Stars, Seattle Storm, Washington Mystics, and, the newest team joining the WNBA, is the Atlanta Dream. The WNBA is split into two conferences the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. Each conference consists of 7 teams. Teams in the Eastern Conference are the Atlanta Dream, Chicago Sky, Connecticut Sun, Detroit Shock, Indiana Fever, New York Liberty, and Washington Mystics. The Western Conference is made up of Houston Comets, Los Angeles Sparks, Minnesota Lynx, Phoenix Mercury, Sacramento Monarchs, San Antonio Silver Stars and the Seattle Storm. Having conferences helps decided the top teams in the WNBA (WNBA Enterprises 1-10). The Women’s National Basketball Association began with eight teams in 1997 and expanded to 16 teams in 2002; three franchises folded by the start of the 2004 season. Cleveland, Miami, and Portland no longer exist as WNBA teams. In 2003, the Utah Starzz moved to San Antonio to become the Silver Stars. Chicago became a team in 2006 (The Associated Press 1-14). The Women’s National Basketball Association will tip off its 12 season of play on Saturday, May 17. Twelve of the 14 teams will play on the opening day (WNBA Enterprises Par. 1). The WNBA has established itself since 1996 and with its first season in 1997. There are now higher salaries; the league minimum was $5000 in 1997. Now, everyone in the WNBA makes at least five figures. No one has yet brought home a million dollars. There is a feeling that this milestone is not too far away. There has been a vast move forward in salaries since the league started in 1996 (Harris Par. 2). There are now better players in the WNBA. They began with two of the best women’s basketball players and now have many. When the league started, they suspected that Rebecca Lobo and Lisa Leslie were the best that women’s basketball had to offer. Now there are players like Sacramento ’s Yolanda Griffith, Los Angeles ’ Tameka Dixon, and Houston ’s Tina Thompson who have proven to be forces with which to contend. These players have rallied fans and money with out the help of the WNBA’s marketing machine (Harris Par. 3). National broadcasts air more of the WNBA games on TV now. When previously viewing the broadcast schedule, it seemed as if the league had pre-selected a national champion. The favorite seemed to receive more televised games (Harris Par. 4). In 2008, the WNBA and ESPN announced an eight-year suspension. The suspension was an agreement to have ABC, ESPN, and ESPN2 televise WNBA games through 2016. This agreement was reached in a year when the increased attendance to games, enhanced TV viewership, and the number of people visiting WNBA. com rose as well. The agreement guarantees increased promotion of the WNBA on ESPN and will run through the 20 season of the WNBA (WNBA Enterprises Par. 2). Now, today teams that were not in the original line up that created the WNBA are receiving broadcasting time on television (Harris Par. 4). The WNBA has made greater strides over the years. The rivalries are more intense between fans cheering and booing for the team they want to win. There were amazing turnarounds in teams. Teams known as the worst in the WNBA one year made it to the conference finals the next. In every way, the Women’s National Basketball Association is taking steps. However, the WNBA is still not as respected as the NBA. Hopefully, the WNBA still possesses years to expand and make something more of themselves (Harris Par. 1-5). There are requirements that need to be met in order to become a member of the WNBA just like any other job. Females are not allowed to go directly from high school to the WNBA. To be a prospect for the WNBA, females must be at least 22 years old during the calendar year of the season to be played. A female must complete her intercollegiate basketball eligibility, graduate from a four year college or university or play at least two seasons for another professional basketball league. People may believe simply being good at basketball will help get a jersey and a spot to be on a team. However there are requirements to be met (WNBA Media Ventures Par. 1). After meeting the requirements to get drafted to the WNBA, there are different skills in which scouts are interested. The position played, whether it be guard, post, or forward, depends on scouts. Different positions have different skills that need to be mastered. Some things remain the same no matter what position being played. Scouts look at athleticism, knowledge of the game, execution of the plays and sets, work ethic, and poise under pressure. One shouldn’t simply focus on the way they play, but work on other things to help improve there game, too (WNBA Media Ventures Par. 2). It is hard to be recognized in the WNBA. Going to a small school, can mean it is difficult to know how to expose oneself or get invited to the draft camp. Making a high light tape is a good step to get recognized. A prospective player should send the video or film to current teams and the national office. Including a resume is a good idea in order to show stats and achievements. With respect to all divisions of colleges, coaches evaluate players from all conferences and divisions. By reading basketball publications, newspaper articles, updates, watching videotapes, and attending games, they develop background information on various players (WNBA Media Ventures Par. 3). Not everyone gets invited to the WNBA draft camp. To be considered females must meet WNBA requirements. Also the national office must have current game footage and a resume on file. Then, the player will be evaluated. That is how the WNBA determines if players have the skills and ability to play at the next level. It is the WNBA’s best intention to find the best players in the nation to compete at the next level (WNBA Media Ventures Par. 3). The number of draft picks changes depending on the amount of players needed on a team that year. Much depends on how many retire from the WNBA. If there are good players eligible for the WNBA one year and not the next, that also has an effect on how many players the WNBA teams will draft. If there are better players one year that can make it in the WNBA then the WNBA would draft them over someone who can’t. The highest number of draft picks ever in the WNBA was in 2001 and 2002. Sixty four players were drafted. The first round, second draft pick in 2002 plays for the Detroit Shock and is still there today. The lowest number of draft picks since the WNBA started in 1997 was 38 picks in the year of 2004. The first two picks in 2004 are powerhouses in the WNBA still playing strong. Diana Taurasi, who was drafted first in 2004, just won the national championship in 2007. Therefore, the demand for necessary players as well as how the collegiate players performance determines the number of draft picks (Insidehoops. com Par. 1-7). After getting drafted the WNBA has to decide how much money each player will get paid. The salary cap for the WNBA is going up every year but is still not even close to the NBA salary cap. The WNBA team salary cap in 2004 was $647,000, increasing every year in 2005 the cap was at $673,000, in 2006 it increased to $700,000, then in 2007 was up to $728,000 per team. The salary has been making a steady climb up but still has a ways to go to be close to the NBA (Insidehoops. com Par. 4). With the highest team salary in the NBA is $103,100,000 and the lowest team salary is $23,000,000 a year (Insisdehoops. om Par. 14). With 14 teams in the WNBA by adding up all their team salaries it doesn’t even add up to the minimum NBA team salary cap (Insidehoops. com Par. 4). The average salary of an NBA player making $3. 7 million the average salary for a WNBA player is only $50,000 (BlackAthlete Sports Network Par. 6). The maximum pay for players in the WNBA and NBA are not even close. The m aximum salary of a WNBA is $87,000 (Insidehoops. com Par. 3). While the highest paid NBA player is making 22 million dollars (Insidehoops. com Par. 5). The minimum WNBA salary for players of 0-3 years of experience is $30,600. Players with four or more years of experience make an average of $43,700. If on the team that wins the WNBA championship each player receives a bonus of $10,000 each. The runner-up team each player gets a $5,000 bonus. There is a very big difference in pay that the WNBA players and the pay that the NBA players receive (Insidehoops. com Par. 3). Some women in the WNBA have to get another job besides just playing basketball because they are not brining in enough money. Katie Smith is the all-time leading scorer in women’s professional basketball, a two-time Olympic gold medallist, and a four time WNBA all-star. If Katie were a man in the NBA she would never have to work another day in her life but being in the WNBA and not making enough money she decided to go to dental school. Smith being one of the best players in the WNBA is making nearly $90,000 which is a good amount of money but no matter how long or well you play basketball will not pay for your future. Only a few WNBA players have endorsement deals, while others have to get a job in the off-season or they go and play over seas to bring in extra income (BlackAthlete Sports Network Par. -9). The reason the pay could be so different in the WNBA and NBA could depend on the game schedules, price of tickets or game attendance. Comparing the Detroit Pistons an NBA team to the Detroit Shock an WNBA. Their 2007-2008 seasons differ very much. The Shock only has one preseason game (WNBA Enterprises Par. 1). While the Pistons compete in six preseason games. The Pistons season not including the play offs stretches from October 8 2007 through Apr il 16 2008. During that time the Pistons compete in 90 games (NBA Enterprises Par. 1). The Shock season runs from May 12 2008 through September 14 2008 not including play offs. Throughout this time the Shock will perform in 35 games (WNBA Enterprises Par. 1). The NBA has an average of 17,000 people attend their games and the WNBA only bring in about 10,000. Another reason the pay could be so different is because on average the ticket price to go to an NBA game is $45 and to a WNBA it is only $15. The NBA tends to have more games and longer seasons but one day the WNBA may be equal to the NBA (Issaquah Par. 4). â€Å"Its official the WNBA established itself as a real, professional, respectable sport. We’ve still got a ways to go, but the league’s progress since the 1997 inaugural season has been nothing short of a remarkable† (Harris Par. 1). The WNBA has gained teams and publicity over the years (WNBA Enterprises Par. 1-10). With the league going in a positive direction the salaries are also increasing (WNBA Enterprises Par. 1-4). Even though the WNBA has only recently been established, the NBA receives more attention than the WNBA in several different ways. The WNBA will hopefully keep growing and become as established as the NBA someday. â€Å"Atlanta Becomes 14th WNBA Franchise In League. † The Associated Press. 2007: 20 Feb. 2008 . Brown, Renee. â€Å"Hoops 101: Renee Brown. † WNBA Media Ventures. 2002: 19 Feb. 2008 Harris, Fran. â€Å"WNBA: The WNBA Is On Its Way. † Buzzle. com. 2008: 12 Feb. 2008 . Issaquah, Rebekah. â€Å"How Much Money Does the Average WNBA Player Make Per Year Compared to an NBA player? † Yahoo! Inc. 2004: 12 Feb. 2008 . â€Å"NBA Salaries. † InsideHoops. com. 2008: 14 March 2008 . Owens, Thomas S. Teamwork: The Houston Comets in Action. New York: Rosen, 1999. Owens, Thomas S. Teamwork: The Los Angeles Sparks in Action. New York: Rosen, 1999. â€Å"Pistons Schedule and Results. † NBA Media Ventures. 2008: 14 March 2008 . â€Å"Shock Schedule 2008. † WNBA Enterprises. 2008: 14 March 2008 . â€Å"WNBA’s 2008 Schedule: Season Tips Off May 17. † WNBA Enterprises. 2008: 22 Feb. 2008 . â€Å"WNBA Draft History. † InsideHoops. com . 2008: 19 Feb. 2008 . â€Å"WNBA Players Plan Futures. † BlackAthlete Sports Network. 2005: 14 March 2008 . â€Å"WNBA Salaries. † InsideHoops. com. 2008: 14 March 2008 .

Friday, November 22, 2019

Tips to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster

Tips to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster No one wants to wait around for nail polish to dry. There are lots of rumors of ways to get polish to dry more quickly, but which actually work? These are the best quick-drying nail polish tips submitted by readers. Feeling scientific? Take a look at the chemistry behind quick-dry methods and learn which really work. Tips From Readers Readers have tried everything to get nails to dry fast. Here are some of their top recommendations: Use cooking spray as one of the other ladies said. It will work and leave your hands not too dry. (_ ms. know it all)Get cold water and dip your fingers inside for about 5 minutes and let them dry (air dry) for 5 minutes. (Cas)While you have a pot of water on the simply just put your hands over it. Not only will they dry but they will become matte nails as well. So, its like two things in one. (Coco Puff)Step 1: Always apply thin coats. Step 2: Bow on nails and run nails through ice cold water. Step 3: Apply additional coats if needed and repeat steps. Step 4: Wait for 20 - 30 minutes before doing anything. Step 5: Cant be patient? Buy yourself fast drying nail polish and/or buy Seche Vite. (Nail Lady)All you have to do is turn the cold to the sink on and put your hands in it, they will be done in 30 seconds. (i help)Put your hands in ice water. It makes your nails dry faster. (Guest)Use ice and water. It works really well they will be dry before you know it. (Kiley)This is insane! O il sprays and quick drying treatments do not actually make your polish dry faster. They do, however, reduce the likelihood that youre going to ding-up/smudge your polish while its drying, by forming a slick surface on top. Quick-dry topcoats are similar. They dont dry the polish underneath, but they do harden on top of it. If youre not careful, you can end up scraping your polish right off if the under-layers are still tacky when you reach into your bag for your phone. It still makes sense to use the above methods when youre trying to preserve a brand-new manicure. Its also important to understand how they work so you can achieve the best results! (Kate) I was in a hurry and was about ready to just remove my polish. But to my surprise the cooking spray totally worked for me. My nails were dry almost immediately. Makes me wonder about the chemicals in the cooking spray though! (Pat)So, what I do all the time is I add a little bit of nail polish remover to the nail polish and mix it really good. You can add it to your colors and/or your top clear coat. The alcohol in the remover makes the polish dry much faster than ice water or a hair dryer. It also turned that old gloopy polish back to normal! (Anonymous)Dip your fingers inside a cup with cold water and ice and your nails dry up. (Tania)Try a hair dryer on medium setting. It heats it or try sticking your hand in a freezer. It may seem crazy but it works. (savvy monkey)Do not use heat. All it does is melt the polish! Definitely use ice cold water! Dries em in a heart beat! (jazmyne)Pam (you know, the cooking spray?) works wonders! All you do is spray your nails and leave it for about 45 seconds. Youll have to wash your hands good though, since it makes them kinda greasy. (Mandi) Thin coats dry fast. Try doing multiple thin coats instead of one or two thick gloppy coats. Trust me, it works wonders. (Ilty_909)Ice cold water or Pam spray works really well. Also using a fan works. (Blah)I always have a candle lit in my room so I just hold them over the candle for a bit. Dont burn yourself though. (Sienna)Apply a coat of peanut butter and it will work as long as you dont touch anything! Later on youll have a nice snack for later. (Angelica)Nail polishes are solutions of a polymer and need only to have the solvent removed. Blowing on them can cause blushing. Stand with you hands above a central heating convector, not electric and you should get nice glossy nails. (Norman Nicolson)I just use a quick drying top coat. That way I can get my favorite polish without having to wait forever to get on with my life. It takes about a minute to get really hard nails, but I guess it depends what you use and how many layers of polish you added. (Pretty in Pink)Air dust them or put your hand in ice cold water for 3 minutes to dry them.  Spray cooking spray on them just in case! (Hannah Mahone)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The development of recommendations for best practices in Value-Chain Essay

The development of recommendations for best practices in Value-Chain Integration for UK Financial Services organisations adopting Business Process Outsourcing - Essay Example ater pressures on margins which, in turn, drive the need for improved operational efficiencies; second, the need to refocus on core competencies in order to improve competitiveness and third, growing numbers of easily available and capable specialist providers. Added to this is the fact that technological advances now make it easier for business to be conducted across many locations and partnerships. It should be noted that businesses are constantly re-evaluating their strategic operations and the definition of core and non-core is consequently in a state of flux. What is viewed as core today will not necessarily be viewed as core tomorrow. Certain core activities can be outsourced if there is considerable fluctuation in demand that does not justify full time increase in head count. The decisions on outsourcing are generally strategic. Deming (1982, cited by Odindo et al, 2004) advised companies to reduce the number of suppliers. Fewer suppliers with long term commitments can improve a company’s operation. â€Å"Not having to deal with many companies helps to minimise the complexities and costs that may result from inconsistencies and variety when more than one service provider is used† (Odindo et al, 2004). Sometimes companies outsource to their competitors when the only competency to serve them is found in competitors. Odindo et al (2004) have also pointed out that outsourcing can be used to harness innovation and talent beyond the confines of a company. It is not easy or generally possible for an organisation to have all the talent required for the company to innovate. Using outsourcing providers gives a company access to the provider’s innovative capabilities. The very nature of the financial services business means that companies are suitable candidates for outsourcing and many have become highly sophisticated users of these services. Financial services companies have fewer ties to a particular geographic location than other businesses and only a small

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Experiences of nurses working in palliative care Dissertation

Experiences of nurses working in palliative care - Dissertation Example I wish to express my gratitude to my supervisor, Mike for being there for me and taking time out of your busy schedule to meet up with me and giving me valuable advice and guidance, once again a massive thank you. A special thank you to my family in Cameroon, especially my mother who have been my pillar of strength, and her unending prayers for my success. To my sister Quinta and my brother Collins, thank you all for your support and encouragement and I pray and wish for better things for you both. Finally to my better half Tiga, thanks for your enduring patient and coping mechanism when I was really down and stress, thank you so much for your understanding. Abstract The aim of this critical literature review aim is to investigate the experiences of Nurses working in the field of palliative care. It will examine at length using qualitative methods and only primary research papers. The objectives inherent in this field of nursing include symptom suppression as well as psychological su pport for patients and families alike. This review will provide the reader with current literature on the identified subject. The process will involve choosing a topic, search relevant literatures pertinent to the chosen topic, gathering reading and analysing the literature. Three theme chapters will emerge from the review which will be looked into in depth. Palliative nursing is a relatively new specialization requiring greater understanding and advocacy. The Supportive care model is emphasized as a description of the objectives necessary for this specialization. The most prevalent pathology leading to the need for palliative care is cancer, but there are other chronic illnesses that also put patients in need of this form of support. Finally, nurses themselves require a proactive emotional support structure to avoid compassion fatigue and burnout. Table of Contents Title Page Acknowledgement Abstract Introduction Background Methodology Theme Chapter 1 (Challenges in palliative care ) Theme Chapter 2 (Trust in palliative care) Theme Chapter 3 (The wellbeing of palliative nurses) Discussion of Finding Limitation of study Limitations of the Literature Review Process Conclusions and Summary Implications For Practice Reference List. Appendix 1 Dissertation Proposal Appendix 2 Timetable For the review Appendix 3 A Structure for appraising Qualitative Research Matrix Table CHAPER 1 1:1 Introduction. This critical literature review will explore nurses working in palliative care and their experiences. According to the World Health Organization, 60% of the 56 million people who die somewhere in the world every year would benefit from palliative care during their final months (WHO, 2002). Among these people not all are among the elderly. There is ample evidence that a caring approach which embraces psychological, psychosocial and spiritual support is highly effective and is valued by both patients and families (Beaver et al, 2002. This review’s purpose is to provi de the reader with adequate and most current literatures on the identified subject (Cronin et al, 2008) the processes involved a literature review, identifying a topic, search relevant literature, gathering, reading and analysing the literature and writing the review (Cronin et al, 20

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Thoreau and Transcendentalism Essay Example for Free

Thoreau and Transcendentalism Essay Henry David Thoreau’s Walden is an anthem to transcendentalism. Among the transcendentalists core beliefs was the inherent goodness of both people and nature. Transcendentalists believed that society and its institutions—particularly religion and politics—corrupted the purity of the individual. They believed that people were at their best when they were self-reliant. The central recurring theme that emerges in transcendentalism is a return to nature. Thoreau sets out for Walden Pond to observe, learn, and explore, indicative of his transcendentalist beliefs. In Walden, Thoreau explains his convictions of transcendentalism through his imagery of nature and appreciation of Nature’s sounds, especially in the climactic seventeenth chapter, â€Å"Spring†. Thoreau discovers that one nice thing about living in the woods â€Å"was that [he] should have the leisure and opportunity to see the spring come in (1138). He studies the ice melting and listens for birds, and by mid-March, he has heard a bluebird, song-sparrow, and red-wing. With the days passing, he also notes the depth of the ice on the pond. The ice is still a foot thick when he hears these birds. Living in a climate of four completely different seasons, and being away from the constant din of civilization (except for the railroad and church bells), makes this process of observing the introduction of Spring unique for Thoreau. Little delights Thoreau more than watching rivulets of sand and clay â€Å"burst† and â€Å"overflow† through the snow in banks, such as those on the bank by the railroad. Seeing â€Å"the various shades of the sand†, â€Å"singularly rich and agreeable (1139), makes him feel as though he stood in the laboratory of the Artist who made the world and me (1139). Thoreau sees these little streams replicated in tree leaves, blood vessels, and ice crystals. In this way, the hillside illustrated the principle of all the operations of Nature (1141). In this same section of â€Å"Spring†, Thoreau makes a significant connection between the transcendentalists and their religious beliefs. Thoreau refers to God as the Artist who made the world and me (1140), a transcendentalist understanding of the divine. He compares man to a mass of thawing clay (1140) with fingers and toes leaves and the ear as lichen, echoing the image of God as a potter in Jeremiah. According to Thoreau, the earth is not a fossil, but rather ongoing artistry. He perceives that the earth is a living creature and â€Å"nothing inorganic† exists (1141), a tribute to the fact that it is always in process. One can see God face-to-face by studying Nature. Thoreau uses beautiful language to create the image of Nature being pregnant. He explains the life-like forms that can be seen everywhere in Nature with the sentence: â€Å"No wonder that the earth expresses itself outwardly in leaves, it so labors with the idea inwardly† (1140, emphasis added); Nature is pregnant with an abstract and metaphysical idea that is coming out in the form of a leaf. As Nature gives birth, her bowels are exposed, presenting her as the â€Å"mother of humanity† (1141). Bowels are obviously something internal, something one would not necessarily see, and the fact that Nature is exposing herself is note-worthy for Thoreau. When the snow has somewhat melted, Thoreau takes notice of the â€Å"withered vegetation which had withstood the winter† (1142). The red squirrels move under Thoreaus house and chirp continually, even when he stomps on the floor. He is thrilled to see the first sparrow of the season and to hear the birds songs again. Walden Pond continues melting, opening up canals on all sides. A large piece of ice has broken off the â€Å"main body† (1143) and a song-sparrow sings to assist its further breaking. A â€Å"ribbon of water† glitters in the sun. The pond is â€Å"full of glee and youth† (1143). In all of this, Thoreau sees the contrast between winter and spring (1143) and notes that Walden was dead and is alive again (1143). The change from Winter to Spring seems instantaneous, filling Thoreaus house with light, and he hears a robin sing as if he has not heard one for a thousand years. The use of imagery and sounds in this section of â€Å"Spring† exhibit Thoreau’s excitement about the changing of seasons and the end of a long, cold, â€Å"dead† Winter. Later in the chapter, Thoreau goes fishing. He hears a strange â€Å"rattling† sound and looks up to see a hawk soaring overhead, â€Å"with proud reliance in the fields of air† (1145). It looked as if it had never set foot on land and had its nest in the clouds. Thoreau catches sliver, gold, and coppery fish, which look like jewels when all strung together. His morning fishing venture is proof enough of immortality for Thoreau, as evidenced when he proclaims that â€Å"there needs no stronger proof of immortality. All things must live in such a light† (1146). He also â€Å"love[s] to see that Nature is so rife with life that myriads can be afforded to be sacrificed and suffered to prey on one another† (1146), and watching a vulture devour carrion or seeing a dead horse on the side of the road reminds him of humanity’s health and strength. His ability to confront death of living things shows his acceptance of deaths inevitability and lifes continuity. In Walden, Henry David Thoreau defines his own personal understanding of transcendentalism. For him, the divine is most sublimely expressed in nature. The overriding theme of Thoreau’s â€Å"Spring† is rebirth, a Christian conception that Thoreau applies to nature. With the surfacing of spring, he is reborn along with his surroundings, and his euphoria in describing nature reveals his positive and passionate perspective. Transcendentalism is the term through which Thoreau can explain coming to an understanding of the divine and mans place in nature at Walden Pond. For him, the role of God as an â€Å"artist† (1140) is inspiring. After living in the woods next to Walden Pond for two years, Henry David Thoreau developed his own ideas of transcendentalism, an important spiritual union between nature and oneself.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

I am presently studying Business Computing Solutions with Technical Support which involves learning about computer components as well as hardware and software’s. I am also learning how to solve issues which users may come across professionally by troubleshooting and testing. Technical support in IT is evolving a lot over the years as virtualisation is now taking over the IT industry. In this report, I will be discussing different employment trends and how this will be a factor once when I graduate and look for a career in Technical support. Many organisations require Technical Support staff since help desks have a key role in the organisations computing structure, therefore they will require employees who specialize in the Technical Support field to support the IT Help Desk systems. Some of the organisations that would require Technical Support staff vary from schools, hospitals, universities, government, banks and much more. Employment Trends in Technical Support (Local and National) I.T Technical Support is increasingly growing and evolving over the last few years. As new technologies are becoming popular, IT Technical Support is in high demand due to the benefits that arise in organisations. Many organisations have claimed â€Å"Professional, reliable, effective and efficient Technical Support Services are the foundation of a well-running computer or network system and lead to increased productivity, reduced costs and improved profitability.† (Essential IT Service, Inc. 2014) This aids an organisation to be more successful as it saves them time and money. IT support organisations and help desks are experiencing big differences today in the sense that technologies are being developed and consumed. Cloud based solutions are emerging... ...dge is known as a CPD (continuous personal/professional development). It is a combination of ideas and techniques that will allow individuals to manage their own learning and how they could achieve their targets. ‘CPD isn't a fixed process, although we do lay down certain basic processes. Fundamentally, it's a question of setting yourself objectives for development and then charting your progress towards achieving them. It's about where you want to be and how you plan to get there.’(CIPD, 2014) As well as this, there is a professional non-profit organisation that is committed to ensure individuals, professionals and all businesses keep a CPD for their future development. This organisation is called CIPD. ‘The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) is the professional body for those involved in the management and development of people.’ (CIPD, 2014)

Monday, November 11, 2019

Microbiology Coursework: Bacillus Cereus

Microbiology Coursework: Bacillus cereus After investigation following on outbreak of food poisoning at a pizza restaurant, it was found that all suffers had consumed a portion of side salad from the self-service salad bar alongside their main dish. Subsequently, this was further traced to a rice salad. Environmental Health Officers investigating this outbreak suspected it may have been caused by Bacillus cereus (B. cereus). The presence of large numbers of B. cereus in a food is indicative of active growth and proliferation of the organism and is consistent with a potential hazard to health. The diagnosis of B. ereus can be confirmed by the isolation of more than 105 B. cereus organisms per gram from epidemiologically implicated food, but such testing is often not done because the illness is relatively harmless and usually self-limiting 1. Design a method(s) to enumerate the: i)Total bacterial count ii)Bacillus cereus count In the rice saladThis outbreak of food poisoning could be i nvestigated by performing an enumeration (plate count) of the total viable bacteria in the rice salad on a general non-selective agar using either the pour or the spread plate method. To confirm that the outbreak had been caused by any B. ereus present in the rice salad a selective media agar, such as mannitol egg yolk polymixin agar (MEYP/MYP), should be used. Once B. cereus has been confirmed a further enumeration of the B. cereus should be performed on the MEYP/MYP agar selective media plate to show whether the amount of B. cereus present is within the range known to cause food poisoning 105–107 cells g? 1 of food for Diarrhoeal syndrome, or 105–108 cells g? 1 of food for Emetic syndrome. (Granum & Lund, 2006) To perform a total cell count and the confirmation of B. cereus by either the pour or spread plate method the equipment required is as follows:General non-selective agar Mannitol egg yolk polymixin agar (MEYP/MYP) Petri dishes Glass or disposable â€Å"hockey stick† spreader Bunsen burner Test tubes Ringers solution Pastettes / Pippettes Food blender Before a cell count can be performed a serial dilution of an homogenate of the rice salad is required. For this one part rice salad is blended to nine part ringers solution, from this initial homogenate that the serial dilution is created by taking 1ml of this original and adding it to 9ml of ringers solution thereby creating a 1:10 dilution of the original.This step is repeated a further 5 times, each time taking 1ml from the dilution created in the previous tube and adding it to 9ml of ringers solution thereby with each step the original sample is diluted by a further factor of 10, (Figure 1). Once the serial dilution has been completed down to a dilution of 1:1,000,000 (10-6) either the pour or spread plate method of plating out of the samples can be performed Figure 1: Serial dilution When using a general non-selective agar both the pour and spread plate methods can be used for en umeration of the total bacteria in the rice salad.With both methods all plates are performed in triplicate. Along-side the non-selective agar, an agar such as MEYP/MYP selective agar which is selective for B. cereus can be used to confirm that B. cereus is present in the original sample. In the pour plate method 1ml or 0. 1ml of each of the dilutions prepared earlier within the serial dilution are added to individual petri dishes and a nutrient agar which is held at around 50oC is poured over each of these samples, the petri dishes are swirled causing gentle agitation and mixing the bacteria with the agar.After the agar has solidified the plates are incubated, after this incubation the pour plates show bacterial growth both on and within the agar due to aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In the spread plate method 0. 1ml of each of the serial dilution solutions is pipetted onto the surface of a pre-poured agar plate and spread using a â€Å"hockey stick† spreader, the agar plate s are then incubated. Bacterial colonies only grow on the surface of the spread plate, (Figure 2) Figure 2: Method of Pour and spread plate technique. Microbial Growth, 2011) Once the plates have been incubated they are examined and the number of colonies counted, only plates that show between 30-300 colonies are counted, if the number of colonies is above 300 then the plate is discarded as too numerous to count, if below 30 it is discarded as too few to count. After the plates showing between 30-300 colonies have been counted the number of bacteria in the original sample can be worked out using the calculation Number of colonies on plate x dilution of sample = number of bacteria / mlIf growth has occurred on the MEYP/MYP plates, a Gram stain can be performed on a sample from one of the colonies, when the gram stain is examined under oil immersion B. cereus should appear as large Gram-positive bacilli in short-to-long chains; with spores that are ellipsoidal, central to subterminal, and that do not swell the sporangium. (Tallent, Rhodehamel , Harmon, & Bennett, 2012) (Figure 3) Figure 3: flow diagram showing order of events leading to the enumeration of total bacteria and Bacillus cereus in a sample of food. 2.Explain why MEYP/MYP agar is selective for Bacillus cereus B. cereus is mannitol-negative. The mannitol content of the medium thus allows differentiation of the accompanyingmannitol-positive microbial flora which are identified by a change in colour of the indicator phenol red to yellow. B. cereus is not affected by concentrations of polymyxin which inhibit the common accompanying microbial flora (Donovan, 1958). Addition of polymyxin is necessary, however, if the sample material is suspected to contain high-numbers of accompanying microorganisms B. cereus produces lecithinase.The insoluble degradation products of egg-yolk lecithin accumulate around the Cereus colonies to form a white precipitate. A lecithinase reaction occurs very early in many strains, Cereus colonies can, therefore, often be rapidly identified before accompanying polymyxin-resistant microorganisms have had a chance to fully develop. Incubation: 18-40 hours at 32  °C. B. cereus appears as rough, dry colonies with a pink to purple base which are surrounded by a ring of dense precipitate. Colonies surrounded by a yellow or a clear zone are not Bacillus cereus.Further tests should be performed to confirm the identity of Bacillus cereus (anaerobic degradation of D(+)glucose, degradation of gelatin, positive nitrate reduction). (Merck, 2012) 3. Suggest how health officers may have come to the tentative conclusion of B. cereus poisoning. Health officers may have come to this conclusion based on the short incubation time to the sudden onset of illness, and due to rice already being implicated as the source of this type of food poisoning in other cases. 4. Suggest ways in which: i. The rice salad might have been infected by the Bacillus cereus; ii.The Bacillus cereus c ould have survived the normal cooking process of the rice; iii. Bacillus cereus causes food poisoning. B. cereus is present in the outer casing of rice and, because it is able to form spores that are very resistant to low or high temperatures, it can therefore easily survive cooking and less-than perfect refrigeration. Improper storage of food stuffs is the issue. Bacillus cereus spores can survive boiling and if the food, in this case rice is stored at ambient temperature, the spores can germinate into toxin producing bacteria. Herriman, 2009) Bacillus cereus has been reported to be present in stools of healthy humans at varying levels (Johnson, 1984) therefore if an individual had not washed their hands after going to the toilet then handled the serving spoon any B. cereus from the hands could be transferred to the serving spoon which in turn could either infect the rice salad or the hand of the person next using the spoon. When rice is boiled and then stored in the fridge without being cooled first, these spores can germinate on the cooked rice and grow well at 4oC.If the rice is then used in a stir fry or similar dish, where the cooking time is relatively short, or the rice is held at an insufficient temperature enough of the bacteria survive to be ingested. Bacillus cereus causes food poisoning of two different types, emetic and diarrhoeal. (Table 1) Table 1. Characteristics of the two types of disease caused by Bacillus cereus Diarrhoeal syndromeEmetic syndrome Infective dose105–107 (total)105–108 (cells g? 1) Toxin producedIn the small intestine of the hostPreformed in foods Type of toxinProteinCyclic peptide Incubation period8–16 h (occasionally >24 h)0. –5 h Duration of illness12–24 h (occasionally several days)6–24 h SymptomsAbdominal pain, watery diarrhoea and occasionally nauseaNausea, vomiting and malaise (sometimes followed by diarrhoea, due to additional enterotoxin production? ) Foods most frequently implicatedMeat products, soups, vegetables, puddings/sauces and milk/milk productsStarch-rich foods; Fried and cooked rice, pasta, pastry and noodles The form that produces diarrhoea is accompanied by symptoms that are virtually indistinguishable from those caused by the Clostridium perfingens bacteria.The affected person experiences abdominal cramps and severe watery diarrhoea within about 15 hours of eating the contaminated rice. Vomiting rarely occurs but the diarrhoea carries on between 1 and 2 days. The diarrhetic syndromes observed in patients are thought to stem from the three toxins Hemolysin BL Hbl, Nonhemolytic Enterotoxin Nhe and Cytotoxin K CytK. These enterotoxins are all produced in the small intestine of the host, thus thwarting the issue of digestion by host endogenous enzymes. Some strains of the bacteria have an extra plasmid that carries a gene for a toxin that causes severe vomiting.These strains cause the emetic form of Bacillus cereus and produce symptoms very similar to food poisoning by Staphylococcus aureus. After ingesting rice contaminated with these strains, vomiting begins between 1 and 5 hours. The effects are fairly short-lived and the digestive system usually returns to normal within about 24 hours. The emetic form is commonly caused by rice that is not cooked for a time and temperature sufficient to kill any spores present, then improperly refrigerated. It can produce a toxin, cereulide, which is not inactivated by later reheating. This form leads to nausea and vomiting 1–5 hours after consumption.It can be difficult to distinguish from other short-term bacterial foodborne pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureusReferences Microbial Growth. (2011). Retrieved March 3, 2012, from The Growth Of Bacterial Cultures: http://classes. midlandstech. com/carterp/Courses/bio225/chap06/Microbial%20Growth%20ss5. htm Donovan, K. O. (1958). A selective medium for Bacillus cereus in milk. J. Appl. Bact. (21), 100-103. Granum, P. , & Lun d, T. (2006, January 17). Bacillus cereus and its food poisoning toxins. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 157(2), 223-228. doi:10. 1111/j. 1574-6968. 1997. tb12776. x Herriman, R. (2009, September 13). Food-Borne Intoxication – Bacillus Cereus. Retrieved March 6, 2012, from ezinearticles. com: http://ezinearticles. com/? Food-Borne-Intoxication—Bacillus-Cereus&id=2915150 Johnson, K. M. (1984). Bacillus cereus food-borne illness. An update. J Food Prot, 47, 145–153. Merck. (2012). MYP Agar. Retrieved March 01, 2012, from Merck Microbiology Manual 12th Edition: http://www. mibius. de/out/oxbaseshop/html/0/images/wysiwigpro/MYP_Agar_105267_engl. pdf Tallent, S. M. , Rhodehamel , E. , Harmon, S. M. , & Bennett, R. W. (2012, February 02). BAM: Bacillus cereus. Retrieved March 05, 2012, from FDA U. S. Food and Drug Administration:

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Angels Demons Chapter 62-63

62 Langdon's progress around his side of the Pantheon was being hampered somewhat by the guide on his heels, now continuing his tireless narration as Langdon prepared to check the final alcove. â€Å"You certainly seem to be enjoying those niches!† the docent said, looking delighted. â€Å"Were you aware that the tapering thickness of the walls is the reason the dome appears weightless?† Langdon nodded, not hearing a word as he prepared to examine another niche. Suddenly someone grabbed him from behind. It was Vittoria. She was breathless and tugging at his arm. From the look of terror on her face, Langdon could only imagine one thing. She found a body. He felt an upswelling of dread. â€Å"Ah, your wife!† the docent exclaimed, clearly thrilled to have another guest. He motioned to her short pants and hiking boots. â€Å"Now you I can tell are American!† Vittoria's eyes narrowed. â€Å"I'm Italian.† The guide's smile dimmed. â€Å"Oh, dear.† â€Å"Robert,† Vittoria whispered, trying to turn her back on the guide. â€Å"Galileo's Diagramma. I need to see it.† â€Å"Diagramma?† the docent said, wheedling back in. â€Å"My! You two certainly know your history! Unfortunately that document is not viewable. It is under secret preservation in the Vatican Arc – â€Å" â€Å"Could you excuse us?† Langdon said. He was confused by Vittoria's panic. He took her aside and reached in his pocket, carefully extracting the Diagramma folio. â€Å"What's going on?† â€Å"What's the date on this thing?† Vittoria demanded, scanning the sheet. The docent was on them again, staring at the folio, mouth agape. â€Å"That's not†¦ really†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Tourist reproduction,† Langdon quipped. â€Å"Thank you for your help. Please, my wife and I would like a moment alone.† The docent backed off, eyes never leaving the paper. â€Å"Date,† Vittoria repeated to Langdon. â€Å"When did Galileo publish†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Langdon pointed to the Roman numeral in the lower liner. â€Å"That's the pub date. What's going on?† Vittoria deciphered the number. â€Å"1639?† â€Å"Yes. What's wrong?† Vittoria's eyes filled with foreboding. â€Å"We're in trouble, Robert. Big trouble. The dates don't match.† â€Å"What dates don't match?† â€Å"Raphael's tomb. He wasn't buried here until 1759. A century after Diagramma was published.† Langdon stared at her, trying to make sense of the words. â€Å"No,† he replied. â€Å"Raphael died in 1520, long before Diagramma.† â€Å"Yes, but he wasn't buried here until much later.† Langdon was lost. â€Å"What are you talking about?† â€Å"I just read it. Raphael's body was relocated to the Pantheon in 1758. It was part of some historic tribute to eminent Italians.† As the words settled in, Langdon felt like a rug had just been yanked out from under him. â€Å"When that poem was written,† Vittoria declared, â€Å"Raphael's tomb was somewhere else. Back then, the Pantheon had nothing at all to do with Raphael!† Langdon could not breathe. â€Å"But that†¦ means†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Yes! It means we're in the wrong place!† Langdon felt himself sway. Impossible†¦ I was certain†¦ Vittoria ran over and grabbed the docent, pulling him back. â€Å"Signore, excuse us. Where was Raphael's body in the 1600s?† â€Å"Urb†¦ Urbino,† he stammered, now looking bewildered. â€Å"His birthplace.† â€Å"Impossible!† Langdon cursed to himself. â€Å"The Illuminati altars of science were here in Rome. I'm certain of it!† â€Å"Illuminati?† The docent gasped, looking again at the document in Langdon's hand. â€Å"Who are you people?† Vittoria took charge. â€Å"We're looking for something called Santi's earthly tomb. In Rome. Can you tell us what that might be?† The docent looked unsettled. â€Å"This was Raphael's only tomb in Rome.† Langdon tried to think, but his mind refused to engage. If Raphael's tomb wasn't in Rome in 1655, then what was the poem referring to? Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole? What the hell is it? Think! â€Å"Was there another artist called Santi?† Vittoria asked. The docent shrugged. â€Å"Not that I know of.† â€Å"How about anyone famous at all? Maybe a scientist or a poet or an astronomer named Santi?† The docent now looked like he wanted to leave. â€Å"No, ma'am. The only Santi I've ever heard of is Raphael the architect.† â€Å"Architect?† Vittoria said. â€Å"I thought he was a painter!† â€Å"He was both, of course. They all were. Michelangelo, da Vinci, Raphael.† Langdon didn't know whether it was the docent's words or the ornate tombs around them that brought the revelation to mind, but it didn't matter. The thought occurred. Santi was an architect. From there the progression of thoughts fell like dominoes. Renaissance architects lived for only two reasons – to glorify God with big churches, and to glorify dignitaries with lavish tombs. Santi's tomb. Could it be? The images came faster now†¦ da Vinci's Mona Lisa. Monet's Water Lilies. Michelangelo's David. Santi's earthly tomb†¦ â€Å"Santi designed the tomb,† Langdon said. Vittoria turned. â€Å"What?† â€Å"It's not a reference to where Raphael is buried, it's referring to a tomb he designed.† â€Å"What are you talking about?† â€Å"I misunderstood the clue. It's not Raphael's burial site we're looking for, it's a tomb Raphael designed for someone else. I can't believe I missed it. Half of the sculpting done in Renaissance and Baroque Rome was for the funeraries.† Langdon smiled with the revelation. â€Å"Raphael must have designed hundreds of tombs!† Vittoria did not look happy. â€Å"Hundreds?† Langdon's smile faded. â€Å"Oh.† â€Å"Any of them earthly, professor?† Langdon felt suddenly inadequate. He knew embarrassingly little about Raphael's work. Michelangelo he could have helped with, but Raphael's work had never captivated him. Langdon could only name a couple of Raphael's more famous tombs, but he wasn't sure what they looked like. Apparently sensing Langdon's stymie, Vittoria turned to the docent, who was now inching away. She grabbed his arm and reeled him in. â€Å"I need a tomb. Designed by Raphael. A tomb that could be considered earthly.† The docent now looked distressed. â€Å"A tomb of Raphael's? I don't know. He designed so many. And you probably would mean a chapel by Raphael, not a tomb. Architects always designed the chapels in conjunction with the tomb.† Langdon realized the man was right. â€Å"Are any of Raphael's tombs or chapels considered earthly?† The man shrugged. â€Å"I'm sorry. I don't know what you mean. Earthly really doesn't describe anything I know of. I should be going.† Vittoria held his arm and read from the top line of the folio. â€Å"From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole. Does that mean anything to you?† â€Å"Not a thing.† Langdon looked up suddenly. He had momentarily forgotten the second part of the line. Demon's hole? â€Å"Yes!† he said to the docent. â€Å"That's it! Do any of Raphael's chapels have an oculus in them?† The docent shook his head. â€Å"To my knowledge the Pantheon is unique.† He paused. â€Å"But†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"But what!† Vittoria and Langdon said in unison. Now the docent cocked his head, stepping toward them again. â€Å"A demon's hole?† He muttered to himself and picked at his teeth. â€Å"Demon's hole†¦ that is†¦ buco divolo?† Vittoria nodded. â€Å"Literally, yes.† The docent smiled faintly. â€Å"Now there's a term I have not heard in a while. If I'm not mistaken, a buco divolo refers to an undercroft.† â€Å"An undercroft?† Langdon asked. â€Å"As in a crypt?† â€Å"Yes, but a specific kind of crypt. I believe a demon's hole is an ancient term for a massive burial cavity located in a chapel†¦ underneath another tomb.† â€Å"An ossuary annex?† Langdon demanded, immediately recognizing what the man was describing. The docent looked impressed. â€Å"Yes! That is the term I was looking for!† Langdon considered it. Ossuary annexes were a cheap ecclesiastic fix to an awkward dilemma. When churches honored their most distinguished members with ornate tombs inside the sanctuary, surviving family members often demanded the family be buried together†¦ thus ensuring they too would have a coveted burial spot inside the church. However, if the church did not have space or funds to create tombs for an entire family, they sometimes dug an ossuary annex – a hole in the floor near the tomb where they buried the less worthy family members. The hole was then covered with the Renaissance equivalent of a manhole cover. Although convenient, the ossuary annex went out of style quickly because of the stench that often wafted up into the cathedral. Demon's hole, Langdon thought. He had never heard the term. It seemed eerily fitting. Langdon's heart was now pounding fiercely. From Santi's earthly tomb with demon's hole. There seemed to be only one question left to ask. â€Å"Did Raphael design any tombs that had one of these demon's holes?† The docent scratched his head. â€Å"Actually. I'm sorry†¦ I can only think of one.† Only one? Langdon could not have dreamed of a better response. â€Å"Where!† Vittoria almost shouted. The docent eyed them strangely. â€Å"It's called the Chigi Chapel. Tomb of Agostino Chigi and his brother, wealthy patrons of the arts and sciences.† â€Å"Sciences?† Langdon said, exchanging looks with Vittoria. â€Å"Where?† Vittoria asked again. The docent ignored the question, seeming enthusiastic again to be of service. â€Å"As for whether or not the tomb is earthly, I don't know, but certainly it is†¦ shall we say differente.† â€Å"Different?† Langdon said. â€Å"How?† â€Å"Incoherent with the architecture. Raphael was only the architect. Some other sculptor did the interior adornments. I can't remember who.† Langdon was now all ears. The anonymous Illuminati master, perhaps? â€Å"Whoever did the interior monuments lacked taste,† the docent said. â€Å"Dio mio! Atrocits! Who would want to be buried beneath piramides?† Langdon could scarcely believe his ears. â€Å"Pyramids? The chapel contains pyramids?† â€Å"I know,† the docent scoffed. â€Å"Terrible, isn't it?† Vittoria grabbed the docent's arm. â€Å"Signore, where is this Chigi Chapel?† â€Å"About a mile north. In the church of Santa Maria del Popolo.† Vittoria exhaled. â€Å"Thank you. Let's – â€Å" â€Å"Hey,† the docent said, â€Å"I just thought of something. What a fool I am.† Vittoria stopped short. â€Å"Please don't tell me you made a mistake.† He shook his head. â€Å"No, but it should have dawned on me earlier. The Chigi Chapel was not always known as the Chigi. It used to be called Capella della Terra.† â€Å"Chapel of the Land?† Langdon asked. â€Å"No,† Vittoria said, heading for the door. â€Å"Chapel of the Earth.† Vittoria Vetra whipped out her cell phone as she dashed into Piazza della Rotunda. â€Å"Commander Olivetti,† she said. â€Å"This is the wrong place!† Olivetti sounded bewildered. â€Å"Wrong? What do you mean?† â€Å"The first altar of science is at the Chigi Chapel!† â€Å"Where?† Now Olivetti sounded angry. â€Å"But Mr. Langdon said – â€Å" â€Å"Santa Maria del Popolo! One mile north. Get your men over there now! We've got four minutes!† â€Å"But my men are in position here! I can't possibly – â€Å" â€Å"Move!† Vittoria snapped the phone shut. Behind her, Langdon emerged from the Pantheon, dazed. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the queue of seemingly driverless taxis waiting by the curb. She pounded on the hood of the first car in line. The sleeping driver bolted upright with a startled yelp. Vittoria yanked open the rear door and pushed Langdon inside. Then she jumped in behind him. â€Å"Santa Maria del Popolo,† she ordered. â€Å"Presto!† Looking delirious and half terrified, the driver hit the accelerator, peeling out down the street. 63 Gunther Glick had assumed control of the computer from Chinita Macri, who now stood hunched in the back of the cramped BBC van staring in confusion over Glick's shoulder. â€Å"I told you,† Glick said, typing some more keys. â€Å"The British Tattler isn't the only paper that runs stories on these guys.† Macri peered closer. Glick was right. The BBC database showed their distinguished network as having picked up and run six stories in the past ten years on the brotherhood called the Illuminati. Well, paint me purple, she thought. â€Å"Who are the journalists who ran the stories,† Macri asked. â€Å"Schlock jocks?† â€Å"BBC doesn't hire schlock jocks.† â€Å"They hired you.† Glick scowled. â€Å"I don't know why you're such a skeptic. The Illuminati are well documented throughout history.† â€Å"So are witches, UFOs, and the Loch Ness Monster.† Glick read the list of stories. â€Å"You ever heard of a guy called Winston Churchill?† â€Å"Rings a bell.† â€Å"BBC did a historical a while back on Churchill's life. Staunch Catholic by the way. Did you know that in 1920 Churchill published a statement condemning the Illuminati and warning Brits of a worldwide conspiracy against morality?† Macri was dubious. â€Å"Where did it run? In the British Tattler?† Glick smiled. â€Å"London Herald. February 8, 1920.† â€Å"No way.† â€Å"Feast your eyes.† Macri looked closer at the clip. London Herald. Feb. 8, 1920. I had no idea. â€Å"Well, Churchill was a paranoid.† â€Å"He wasn't alone,† Glick said, reading further. â€Å"Looks like Woodrow Wilson gave three radio broadcasts in 1921 warning of growing Illuminati control over the U.S. banking system. You want a direct quote from the radio transcript?† â€Å"Not really.† Glick gave her one anyway. â€Å"He said, ‘There is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive, that none had better speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.' â€Å" â€Å"I've never heard anything about this.† â€Å"Maybe because in 1921 you were just a kid.† â€Å"Charming.† Macri took the jab in stride. She knew her years were showing. At forty-three, her bushy black curls were streaked with gray. She was too proud for dye. Her mom, a Southern Baptist, had taught Chinita contentedness and self-respect. When you're a black woman, her mother said, ain't no hiding what you are. Day you try, is the day you die. Stand tall, smile bright, and let 'em wonder what secret's making you laugh. â€Å"Ever heard of Cecil Rhodes?† Glick asked. Macri looked up. â€Å"The British financier?† â€Å"Yeah. Founded the Rhodes Scholarships.† â€Å"Don't tell me – â€Å" â€Å"Illuminatus.† â€Å"BS.† â€Å"BBC, actually. November 16, 1984.† â€Å"We wrote that Cecil Rhodes was Illuminati?† â€Å"Sure did. And according to our network, the Rhodes Scholarships were funds set up centuries ago to recruit the world's brightest young minds into the Illuminati.† â€Å"That's ridiculous! My uncle was a Rhodes Scholar!† Glick winked. â€Å"So was Bill Clinton.† Macri was getting mad now. She had never had tolerance for shoddy, alarmist reporting. Still, she knew enough about the BBC to know that every story they ran was carefully researched and confirmed. â€Å"Here's one you'll remember,† Glick said. â€Å"BBC, March 5, 1998. Parliament Committee Chair, Chris Mullin, required all members of British Parliament who were Masons to declare their affiliation.† Macri remembered it. The decree had eventually extended to include policemen and judges as well. â€Å"Why was it again?† Glick read. â€Å"†¦ concern that secret factions within the Masons exerted considerable control over political and financial systems.† â€Å"That's right.† â€Å"Caused quite a bustle. The Masons in parliament were furious. Had a right to be. The vast majority turned out to be innocent men who joined the Masons for networking and charity work. They had no clue about the brotherhood's past affiliations.† â€Å"Alleged affiliations.† â€Å"Whatever.† Glick scanned the articles. â€Å"Look at this stuff. Accounts tracing the Illuminati back to Galileo, the Guerenets of France, the Alumbrados of Spain. Even Karl Marx and the Russian Revolution.† â€Å"History has a way of rewriting itself.† â€Å"Fine, you want something current? Have a look at this. Here's an Illuminati reference from a recent Wall Street Journal.† This caught Macri's ear. â€Å"The Journal?† â€Å"Guess what the most popular Internet computer game in America is right now?† â€Å"Pin the tail on Pamela Anderson.† â€Å"Close. It's called, Illuminati: New World Order.† Macri looked over his shoulder at the blurb. â€Å"Steve Jackson Games has a runaway hit†¦ a quasi-historical adventure in which an ancient satanic brotherhood from Bavaria sets out to take over the world. You can find them on-line at†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Macri looked up, feeling ill. â€Å"What do these Illuminati guys have against Christianity?† â€Å"Not just Christianity,† Glick said. â€Å"Religion in general.† Glick cocked his head and grinned. â€Å"Although from the phone call we just got, it appears they do have a special spot in their hearts for the Vatican.† â€Å"Oh, come on. You don't really think that guy who called is who he claims to be, do you?† â€Å"A messenger of the Illuminati? Preparing to kill four cardinals?† Glick smiled. â€Å"I sure hope so.†